Monthly Archives: May 2022
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) Extension for ns-3
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR). In [2], the authors present Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing. “It is a novel routing protocol for wireless datagram networks that uses the positions of routers and […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing Castalia on OmNet++ for WSN and BAN Simulations.
Body Sensor Network A body area network (BAN), also referred to as a wireless body area network (WBAN) or a body sensor network (BSN) or a medical body area network […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Possibility of Simulating 6G THz Terasim along with ms-van3t
Sixth-Generation Wireless (6G) 6G is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Secrets of Using Fuzzy Logic in ns-2 using Fyzzylite Library
Why Software like Matlab should not be used for Designing and Testing a Network Protocol? The choice of using Matlab or similar tools for a Network Protocol-related research is not […]
Articles for Research Scholars, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulating Manhattan Grid Mobility Model for VANET with SUMO
The Manhattan mobility model is an urban-type of mobility model for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) and it uses a “grid road topology[6]. SUMO has different tools for creating and customizing road […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulation of 5G Networks under Omnet++ and Simu5G simulator
Simu5G is the evolution of the popular SimuLTE 4G network simulator that incorporates 5G New Radio access[1]. It is based on the OMNeT++ framework, written in C++ and is fully customizable with […]
Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing the FlyNetSim Integrated UAV-Network Simulator under “chroot”
Generally, we can do FANET/UAV/DRONE simulations as mentioned in the following article : Simulation of UAV based Search and Rescue Scenario with ns-3 FlyNetSim is somewhat different from the […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing Aquasim & Aqua3D on an old Linux under VirtualBox
Some of the old ns-2 versions and even some very old ns-3 versions can only be installed on an older Linux variant because of the gcc and gcc-lib compatibility issues. […]
3D Network Simulations, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, Patching Ns-2, Research, Restricted Articles