All posts by CharlesPandian - 2. page
Implementing a 3D UWSN Localization Algorithm in ns-2-Aquasim
This article addresses some of the obstacles that one should pass before trying to implement a custom 3D version of any localization algorithm under ns-2-Aquasim. Of course, this installation or […]
3D Network Simulations, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, Patching Ns-2, Research, Restricted Articles -
Would an AI system replace an ns-3/ns-2 Developer or an Expert?
Introduction. While starting to learn ns-3 from its very first release, it was impossible for me to understand it for some inexpressible reasons. I explained “why it took around 10 […]
Articles for Beginners, Articles for Research Scholars, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Issues on Implementing Localisation-based Routing Algorithms
Introduction to this Article. In fact, this article is a huge one. Without the proper introduction to different technologies, it is impossible to understand the issues of implementing a localization-based […]
Articles for Research Scholars, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing Misbehavior Detection (F2MD) Framework Under OMNeT++.
Misbehavior Detection (MBD) MBD in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) refers to the process of identifying and detecting improper or malicious behaviour exhibited by vehicles or entities within a cooperative […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles, SUMO -
Live, Interactive Visualisation of ns-3 Simulation with PyViz
PyViz Unlike the offline animation tool NetAnim, PyViz is a live simulation visualizer for visualizing ns-3 simulation. It was developed by Gustavo Carneiro[3]. It is written in Python and can […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Restricted Articles -
Doing Research in Public Safety Communication using psc-ns3.
Public Safety Communications (PSC) in ns-3. The support for public safety communications (PSC) in ns-3 relies on the newer capabilities introduced in 3GPP Release 12 and subsequent releases for 4G […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing ns-2 on Linux System with the Latest gcc Compiler
In fact, while compiling ns-2-allinone package, generally it will expect a very old compiler like gcc4 or gcc5. If you search the internet[2] for compilation issues of ns-2, probably you […]
Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
RAN, O-RAN, ns-O-RAN and Traffic Steering in 5G Networks.
RAN (Radio Access Network) RAN is a key component of a cellular network that provides radio connectivity between mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or IoT devices) and the core […]
ns-3, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Sending ICMP Traffic From an ns-3-FdNetDevice Node to a Real Host Over a Real Channel
Declaration: This is nothing but a log of my experiments. There may be a correct/standard way of resolving this problem. But, here, I am presenting my own experiment and a […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Realistic 3D Visualization of UWSN Scenario with NetSimulyzer
Aqua-Sim Aqua-Sim is an underwater network simulator that supports a vast amount of protocols and features. Originally developed on the basis of NS-2, Aqua-Sim can effectively simulate acoustic signal attenuation […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing Aquasim-NG in ns-3.38 and Visualizing UWSN in 3D.
Aqua-Sim Aqua-Sim is an underwater network simulator that supports a vast amount of protocols and features. Originally developed on the basis of NS-2, Aqua-Sim can effectively simulate acoustic signal attenuation […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing NetSimulyzer for Visualising IoD_Sim FANET in 3D.
IoD_Sim IoD_Sim is an open source and system-level simulator for the IoD (Internet of Drones). It is developed on top of the well-known ns-3 (Network Simulator 3), it implements the […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing Internet of Drones Simulator (IoD_Sim) in Debian
In [1], the authors abstractly explain IoD and their IoD_Sim as follows: “The Internet of Drones (IoD) is a networking architecture that stems from the interplay between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing sns3-satellite network extension module under ns-3
Satellite Network Simulator 3 Satellite Network Simulator 3 (SNS3) is an open-source network simulator specifically designed for satellite communication networks. It provides a platform for simulating and analyzing various aspects […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, Research, Restricted Articles -
Visualizing ns-3 LEO Satellite Network using NetSimulyzer 3D
Introduction to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network is a type of satellite communication system where satellites are placed in low Earth orbits, typically at […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles