ns-3 Installation - 3. page
Ns-3 Installation Procedures, ns-3 Patching Procedures, Installing ns-3 Extensions, Problems in installing ns-3 on Ubuntu Linux
Installing 5G nr and nr-u module on ns-3 under chroot
This article explains the way of installing nr and nr-u modules on ns-3.35 under chroot-based Debian installation. This is nothing but a learning log of nr and nr-u module installation […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing OMNet++ IDE Under new Windows11 Version Using WSL
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers run a GNU/Linux environment — including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications — directly on Windows, […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing ns-3 and NetAnim Under New Windows 11 Using WSL2
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers run a GNU/Linux environment — including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications — directly on Windows, […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing WSL2 Under Windows 11 and Running GUI Linux Apps.
Even though the latest Linux distributions are user-friendly, students and scholars tend to use Windows since they are only familiar with Windows operating system and will find it difficult to […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Omnet++, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing 5G-Lena 3GPP-NR module on ns-3.36 under Debian OS
This article explains the way of installing 5G-Lena 3GPP-NR module on ns-3.36 under Debian OS. This is nothing but a learning log of 5G-Lena 3GPP-NR module installation on ns-3.36 . […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installation of Cognitive Radio Extension for ns-3 (CRE-NS3)
Cognitive Radio “Cognitive Radio is an intelligent wireless communication system. Each radio is contextually aware of the surrounding environment, is able to dynamically adjust its radio parameters and switch channels […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) Extension for ns-3
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR). In [2], the authors present Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing. “It is a novel routing protocol for wireless datagram networks that uses the positions of routers and […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Possibility of Simulating 6G THz Terasim along with ms-van3t
Sixth-Generation Wireless (6G) 6G is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing the FlyNetSim Integrated UAV-Network Simulator under “chroot”
Generally, we can do FANET/UAV/DRONE simulations as mentioned in the following article : Simulation of UAV based Search and Rescue Scenario with ns-3 FlyNetSim is somewhat different from the […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Secrets of Using Fuzzy Logic in ns-3 using Fyzzylite Library
In fact, using ‘waf’ based ns-3 compile, we can easily add an external library and use it in our ns-3 simulations. Doing the same under CMake is a little bit […]
Articles for Research Scholars, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Doing Software-Defined Networking(SDN) Simulation under ns-3
The default ns-3 will contain OpenFlow extension module. But to use that module, we have to install a suitable version of OpenFlow switch library (as an external library) and have […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing OFSwitch13 and doing SDN Simulation under ns-3
Generally, the procedures that you find on the internet for installing OpenFlow 1.3 support module (OFSwitch13) may fail on latest Linux Operating systems because of the new conventions and standards […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Configuring Visual Studio Code for ns-3 Under chroot Jail
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open-source source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS[1]. It has the support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing ns-3-dev Under chroot Jail and Compile with CMake
In a previous article, we explained the way of installing ns-3.35 under chroot jail. But installing ns-3-dev, in the same way, is not possible under chroot jail because, ns-3-dev configure […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles