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Using ns-3 for Research
Sending ICMP Traffic From an ns-3-FdNetDevice Node to a Real Host Over a Real Channel
Declaration: This is nothing but a log of my experiments. There may be a correct/standard way of resolving this problem. But, here, I am presenting my own experiment and a […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Realistic 3D Visualization of UWSN Scenario with NetSimulyzer
Aqua-Sim Aqua-Sim is an underwater network simulator that supports a vast amount of protocols and features. Originally developed on the basis of NS-2, Aqua-Sim can effectively simulate acoustic signal attenuation […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing Aquasim-NG in ns-3.38 and Visualizing UWSN in 3D.
Aqua-Sim Aqua-Sim is an underwater network simulator that supports a vast amount of protocols and features. Originally developed on the basis of NS-2, Aqua-Sim can effectively simulate acoustic signal attenuation […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing NetSimulyzer for Visualising IoD_Sim FANET in 3D.
IoD_Sim IoD_Sim is an open source and system-level simulator for the IoD (Internet of Drones). It is developed on top of the well-known ns-3 (Network Simulator 3), it implements the […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing Internet of Drones Simulator (IoD_Sim) in Debian
In [1], the authors abstractly explain IoD and their IoD_Sim as follows: “The Internet of Drones (IoD) is a networking architecture that stems from the interplay between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing sns3-satellite network extension module under ns-3
Satellite Network Simulator 3 Satellite Network Simulator 3 (SNS3) is an open-source network simulator specifically designed for satellite communication networks. It provides a platform for simulating and analyzing various aspects […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, Research, Restricted Articles -
Visualizing ns-3 LEO Satellite Network using NetSimulyzer 3D
Introduction to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network is a type of satellite communication system where satellites are placed in low Earth orbits, typically at […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulating LEO Satellite Network using ns-3 LEO Module
Introduction to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network is a type of satellite communication system where satellites are placed in low Earth orbits, typically at […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Rich Tracing Features available in ns-3 – Really a Strength? Or Weakness?
Introduction. Without any doubt, ns-3 has rich tracing support—it has more tracing features than any other simulator. Most above all, it has an excellent mechanism for grabbing any event from […]
Articles for Research Scholars, ns-3, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Using 3D obstacle-compliant 3D-mobility models under ns-3.37
Mobility Models for UAV To facilitate 3D for testing UAV systems, [1] presents different mobility models for the emulation of the movement of a UAV. The GitHub repository[2] contains the […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Do not waste your time with ‘paper-ware’ models and algorithms.
A. Introduction. Definitely, we are not talking about ‘paperware’ that you see near to this paragraph!. Most of the published journal papers only talk about some imaginary thing. If the […]
Articles for Research Scholars, Electronics, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installation of Debian 10 Buster (64 bit) chroot Jail Environment under Debian 11
Chroot based Virtualization According to Wikipedia “A chroot on Unix operating systems is an operation that changes the apparent root directory for the current running process and its children. A program that is run in such a […]
3D Network Simulations, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing ns3-sigfox module under ns3.33 by using ns-3-dev.
Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). Sigfox is a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) technology designed for connecting devices and sensors to the internet of things (IoT). It operates on licensed cellular bands, […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing ns3-sigfox on higher versions of ns-3 using CMake
Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). Sigfox was a French global network operator founded in 2010 that built wireless networks to connect low-power objects such as electricity meters and smartwatches, which need […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulating WSN/IoT Systems under ns-3 using NB-IoT Module.
Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). NB-IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things) is a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) technology designed for connecting devices and sensors to the internet of things (IoT). It operates […]
ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Research, Restricted Articles