Would an AI system replace an ns-3/ns-2 Developer or an Expert?
Introduction. While starting to learn ns-3 from its very first release, it was impossible for me to understand it for some inexpressible reasons. I explained “why it took around 10 […]
Articles for Beginners, Articles for Research Scholars, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Issues on Implementing Localisation-based Routing Algorithms
Introduction to this Article. In fact, this article is a huge one. Without the proper introduction to different technologies, it is impossible to understand the issues of implementing a localization-based […]
Articles for Research Scholars, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing Misbehavior Detection (F2MD) Framework Under OMNeT++.
Misbehavior Detection (MBD) MBD in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) refers to the process of identifying and detecting improper or malicious behaviour exhibited by vehicles or entities within a cooperative […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles, SUMO -
Do not waste your time with ‘paper-ware’ models and algorithms.
A. Introduction. Definitely, we are not talking about ‘paperware’ that you see near to this paragraph!. Most of the published journal papers only talk about some imaginary thing. If the […]
Articles for Research Scholars, Electronics, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Low-power wide-area networks(LPWAN) & Internet of Things(IoT)
Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). In fact, LPWAN emerged in 2013 and not denoting any particular technological solution, it serves as a generic term to refer to a class of network […]
ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Compiling SUMO Source Version Under WSL2 of Windows11-Ubuntu
SUMO(Simulation of Urban MObility) SUMO is an open-source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous multi-modal traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, ns-2, Omnet++, Restricted Articles, SUMO -
Installing WSL2 Under Windows 11 and Running GUI Linux Apps.
Even though the latest Linux distributions are user-friendly, students and scholars tend to use Windows since they are only familiar with Windows operating system and will find it difficult to […]
3D Network Simulations, Articles for Beginners, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, ns-3, ns-3 Installation, Omnet++, Unrestricted Articles -
Installing FLoRa under OMNet++ for doing IoT ADR Simulation.
FLoRa – Framework for LoRa FLoRa (Framework for LoRa) is a simulation framework developed by Mariusz Slabicki, Gopika Premsankar for carrying out end-to-end simulations for LoRa networks. It is based […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing OMNeT++ 6 on a 64-bit Debian 10 Under Chroot-Jail
This article explains the way of installing OMNeT++ 6 on a 64-bit Debian 10 Chroot-Jail which was set up under a Debian 11 Native installation. (A Debian 10 chroot jail […]
Omnet++, Restricted Articles -
Installing SUMO, OmNet++ and Veins for doing VANET Research.
This article explains the installation of SUMO, OmNet++ and Veins for doing VANET Research. We can do a VANET research in an integrated manner using these three pieces of software […]
Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Generating Genuine, Quality Tables & Graphs for Publication.
Based on my experience and interactions with lots of intelligent scholars from different parts of the world, I can definitely say that a Quality Table of results and a good […]
Articles for Research Scholars, ns-2, ns-3, Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Installing Castalia on OmNet++ for WSN and BAN Simulations.
Body Sensor Network A body area network (BAN), also referred to as a wireless body area network (WBAN) or a body sensor network (BSN) or a medical body area network […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulating Manhattan Grid Mobility Model for VANET with SUMO
The Manhattan mobility model is an urban-type of mobility model for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) and it uses a “grid road topology[6]. SUMO has different tools for creating and customizing road […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles -
Simulation of 5G Networks under Omnet++ and Simu5G simulator
Simu5G is the evolution of the popular SimuLTE 4G network simulator that incorporates 5G New Radio access[1]. It is based on the OMNeT++ framework, written in C++ and is fully customizable with […]
Omnet++, Research, Unrestricted Articles -
Creating Random Road Network, Traffic Flows, Signals in SUMO
SUMO has different tools for creating and customizing road networks and traffic flows and traffic signals. In this article, we will use some of those tools available in SUMO to […]
Omnet++, Research, Restricted Articles