Installing Aquasim & Aqua3D on an old Linux under VirtualBox
Some of the old ns-2 versions and even some very old ns-3 versions can only be installed on an older Linux variant because of the gcc and gcc-lib compatibility issues. […]
3D Network Simulations, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Ns-2 Installation, Patching Ns-2, Research, Restricted Articles -
An Elementary Research on UWSN using ns-2
Introduction. Even after a lot of theoretical understanding of particular networking technology, for a beginner, understanding the way in which they are implemented in a practical system or in a […]
Articles for Research Scholars, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Research, Restricted Articles -
Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) Simulation using ns-2
Introduction to Underwater Networks and Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks UAN – Underwater Acoustic Network An Underwater Acoustic Network (UAN) is a network of underwater devices that communicate with each other […]
3D Network Simulations, Experiments on Ns2, ns-2, Research, Unrestricted Articles