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- ns Multicast in wired+wireless scenario
I am trying to create a MULTICAST scenario with wired and wireless nodes but I got some problems doing this.
I created a simple topology like this, where (W0..W2) are the wired node,
BS the Base Station and MH the Mobile Host, but i got errors. I have read that is not possible to do.
Could anyone help me about this?
If it is possible, upload a simple version of a tcl script demonstrating this scenario and what output/error you are getting while running the script. (Please Mention the version of your ns2)
The problem is that by using multicast ( $ns multicast ) I can’t use hierarchical addresses. I guess it’s incompatible with multicast in ns. In other hand, to use wireless nodes connected to Base Stations (BS) I have to use hierarchical addresses to tell mobile nodes who are their BS. The reason I got errors it’s because mobile node is not connected to any BS because I have no way to pass the ID of the BS to the mobile node.. so when I make mobile node participate in any connection I obviously get errors.. I’ve been searching for a way to make this scenario work but everybody says that this is not possible in ns because multicast is implemented in Otcl while wireless is implemented in c++. I’m using ns 2.32. If you have any idea about a way to solve this I will appreciate.