i think the reason behind this is because AODV send a broadcast route request message (RREQ) i.e. 1 RREQ sent, and you get RREP (route reply) from all its neighbouring nodes.
so if you want to count the number of successfully received msg, you should specify the packet size (payload) of interest.
i found this AWK script which might be useful:
recvdSize = 0
startTime = 1e6
stopTime = 0
# Trace line format: normal
if ($2 != “-t”) {
event = $1
time = $2
node_id = $3
flow_id = 0
pkt_id = $7 ;#seq no
pkt_size = $9
flow_t = $8
level = $4
dreason = $6
# Trace line format: new ($ns_ use-newtrace)
if ($2 == “-t”) {
event = $1
time = $3
node_id = $5
flow_id = $39
pkt_id = $41
pkt_size = $37
flow_t = $35
level = $19
# Store packets send time & count #packets sent
if (level == “AGT” && flow_id == flow &&
sendTime[pkt_id]==0 && (event == “+” || event == “s”) && pkt_size >= pkt) {
if (time < startTime) {
startTime = time
sendTime[pkt_id] = time
this_flow = flow_t
sendNum ++
# Update total received packets’ size and store packets arrival time
if (level == “AGT” && flow_id == flow && event == “r” && pkt_size >= pkt) {
if (time > stopTime) {
stopTime = time
# Rip off the header
hdr_size = pkt_size % pkt
pkt_size -= hdr_size
# Store received packet’s size
recvdSize += pkt_size
# Store packet’s reception time
recvTime[pkt_id] = time
for (i in recvTime) {
if (sendTime == 0) {
delay += recvTime – sendTime
recvdNum ++
printf(” %15s: %gn”, “sendPkts”, sendNum)
printf(” %15s: %gn”, “receivedPkts”, recvdNum)
hi ghadah,
based on my limited knowledge on ns-2, you can do this using a procedure.
pls refer to:
page 45